Daniel Qin ئاپەکان

Route & Video Recorder 2.0
Daniel Qin
Route & Video Recorder can record routesand videos, routes and videos can be replayed synchronously, routesand videos can be shared on the Internet.1. Location: the mobile's location is shown on the mapcenter.2. Location information: current location's time, speed and routeinformation can be shown on the mp, this layout can be draggedfreely;3. Satellite: switch between map and satellite to show the locationand route.4. Route record: the mobile's route can be recorded, paused,resumed and saved.5. Mark: markers can be inserted into the map and can be dragged, Aroute and its markers can be uploaded to the Internet. Click on amarker and its info window to edit or delete.6. Route list: all routes can be listed with detailedinformation.Click on one of route list items, the route can beshown on the map; long press on any route item, you can delete,rename, share or show the route's speed chart. Each position'sspeed and time can be shown in a route.7. Speed chart: blue portion in the middle of the chart representsthe routes' average speed.8. Share: it's very convenient to share route map to your friends,share can be done when route saving, or long-pressed in the routelist.9. Video: click the Video button on the top middle of the screen,click again until videos to record, videos can be recorded andreplayed synchronously with routes.10.navigation: plan a route shown on the map according to routesource and route destination.Attention please:1. Google Play and Google Map should be installed first in mobilephone.2. GPS location gets high accuracy and needs much power. When GPSis used, the mobile phone should be put outside with a clear viewof the sky. It may take several minutes to have a first fix of GPSposition.3. GPS, phone screen and camera are power-hungry, Please keepcharging when used. Continuous video recording may cause the phonehot.4. we will continue to improve.
Mobile Tracker & Route 7.4
Daniel Qin
Mobile Tracker & Route is the best freeapplication to track mobiles and record routes for playback.After installing and setting this app in a mobile phone, you canlog into m.513gs.com/en from any PC, mobile or tablet to track thismobile, and also you can track multiple mobiles and review mobiles’historical routes in Google map.Purpose:1. install in family members’ mobiles who need to be cared.2. install in self's mobile phone, to record route automatically,or to find it easily in case of lost. or to send exact location SMSto rescuers in emergency(text messaging is more reliable than call).3. install this app in mobile phones owned by a company to manageeasily.Tips:1. Installation needs only three steps : locate successfully,connect to Internet and set log in information.2. The app runs silently, it can restart automatically if themobile phone shuts down and restarts.3. The app uses a special algorithm to get very low electricityconsumption and very low network traffic.4. With GPS turned on, you can get speed information and very highaccuracy(about 2 meters), however the mobile phone should beoutside with a clear view of the sky and no metal objects covered.It may take several minutes to have a first fix of GPSposition.5. GPS position can also run well even without SIM card in mobile,however connection to Internet through WIFI is needed in order toupload location information .6. Anytime's historical routes can be replayed.7. Observer can send the command message to make the app wakeup andwork properly. .8. There can be multiple mobile phones with one log account. Select"New Log in " when installed in the first mobile and select " Addmobiles " when installed in the second or more mobiles.9. The app can be used worldwide.10. Any questions, please contact tech.zihua@gmail.com.Permission Description:1. Receive SMS messages: receive command message sent by observerto resume normal operation.2. Send SMS messages: give observer a reply of location messagewhen command message is received, or send location message torescuers in emergency.3. Locate: locate mobile phones' location via GPS or network.4. Connect to Internet: upload mobile phone's position in order toview by logging m.513gs.com/en.Use of Mobile Tracker & Route may violate the privacy ofothers, you are required to obtain others’ consent beforeinstalling, and the application can only be used within the scopepermitted by law.
App Promotion in China 1.0
Daniel Qin
We can help you to promote your apps in China.China Android market is the largest in the world. To October2013, the total number of mobile phone users in China is around 1.2billion, smartphone users is 516 million, and android users is 349million.However Google Play cannot work in China's Android mobiles,there are more than 100 android markets in China.We can help you to translate your apps into Chinese, publishyour apps in Top10 markets, integrate users' comment and givesuggestions.So if you want to promote your apps in China, we can give youhelp to make you succeed.
HealthCare 2.3
Daniel Qin
We wish the application "HealthCare" canhelpall of the middle aged and the old aged.1.Large font: Convenience read and use.2.One press to dial: When you enter the application, only onepressto dial.3.BP management: record BP and pulse rate easily, then to list ortodraw.4.Lost positioning: once the aged lost, the family can findhisposition immediately by mobile phone positioning with theaccuracyabout 10 meters.5.Emergency positioning: Once the phone call emergency number,thephone's position can be automatically sent to the presetcontacts,so the family will get in touch with the hospital in atimelymanner.
Dirt Tracks 2.1
Daniel Qin
Record routes for dirt biking, photos can be linked and sharedtogether.
Phone Tracker 8.2.1
Daniel Qin
Track phones' locations
Bus Routes 2.4
Daniel Qin
This app is designed for a bus company to manage all buses anddailyroutes. Installed in every bus driver’s phone, the app canrecorddaily routes, each dock on stations, and number of peoplegetting onand off. Bus company’s manager should create a group inthe app, busdriver should join the group. In each station a busdriver canrecord the number of people getting on and off the bus.Manager canlogin to http://br.513gs.com to view all drivers’ data,includingroutes and number of people in and out of the bus, anddostatistics. Bus drivers can share routes in a group, and hecanfollow others' shared route to drive. Sincerely welcomeyourfeedback, we can do more for you.
My Track 6.5
Daniel Qin
Plan a route, record, share and follow. Photos can be joined andshared.
My Footprint 4.3.2
Daniel Qin
Automatically record locations and provide all of the locationrelated features.